Sid DeVins
Why is installed app inventory outdated or incorrect?
After installing new apps or app updates to a device, the installed apps display may show outdated information. The new app installed may not display. If an app update is installed, the old app v...
Why do I see a blank screen when I scan the enrollment QR code?
Devices can be enrolled with SimpleMDM by scanning the enrollment QR / QCR code from the website. In some instances, scanning this code with a third party iOS app may result in a blank web page b...
How does single app lock/mode work? What is autonomous single app mode?
We've created a guide on single app lock (also referred to as "single app mode") and autonomous app lock. This guide explains what each functionality provides and how they differ. Here is a link ...
How do I update an enterprise iOS app while in Single App lock mode?
Enterprise iOS app updates can be pushed to devices running iOS 11.2.5 or later while Single App Lock is enabled using the same methods available for regular app updates. If your device is runnin...
Device Groups
Device groups are what link devices to configurations, restrictions, passcode settings, and apps. Organizations typically create device groups to cluster together devices with similar purposes. Fo...
JumpCloud SSO SAML Integration
SimpleMDM integrates with JumpCloud using the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) standard.This guide will explain how to designate an JumpCloud account as a trusted identity provider (IdP) ...
Why isn't location tracking working?
iOS device location (outside of MDM Lost Mode) is provided by the SimpleMDM mobile app. Because of this, location data is sent to SimpleMDM through a different channel than MDM communications. Som...
Deploying Media
SimpleMDM supports the ability to deploy media and documents to devices in addition to apps. Adding Media to the Catalog To add media to your Catalog: Navigate to Apps & Media > Catalog. Click th...
How do I disable location tracking?
SimpleMDM can optionally track the location of devices during regular day-to-day device usage. SimpleMDM tracks location with the SimpleMDM mobile app that is installed to devices. In some situat...
Error: "A configuration file was not found. Please install this app via the SimpleMDM service."
You may see the following error from within the SimpleMDM iOS app: A configuration file was not found. Please install this app via the SimpleMDM service. This error most often occurs when the Simpl...