Enterprise & Ad-hoc Apps

Adding Enterprise Apps

To add an enterprise or ad-hoc app to SimpleMDM, the IPA file of the app must be uploaded. Complete the following steps to upload the binary file:

  1. Click "Catalog" on the left hand side of the screen.
  2. Click the "Add App" button and select "Custom App".
  3. Upload the IPA file to SimpleMDM. Make sure to wait for the upload to complete before navigating away from the page.

Updating Enterprise Apps

To update an enterprise app that already exists in your Catalog, complete the following steps:

  1. Click "Apps" on the left hand side of the screen.
  2. Click the enterprise app that you want to update.
  3. Click the "Update Binary" button in the upper right hand side of the screen.
  4. Upload the new binary (IPA file).

Upon uploading the binary, you will be prompted to choose between two different deployment options:?

1. 'Smart Update': when selected, SimpleMDM will check all devices that have already have the app installed (with a matching bundle ID) and will update the app on any devices that have a build number ('version' number) lower than the new binary.

2. 'Force Update': when selected, SimpleMDM will install the newly uploaded binary on top of the existing binary for any devices that already have the app installed, regardless of version number.

Alternatively, you can also choose to skip pushing the update to any devices. Choosing 'Skip' will replace the existing binary in the Catalog with the newly uploaded one but nothing will be pushed out to devices yet. You will still be able to install/update the binary on devices as needed?using assignment groups.

Note:?the 'Update Apps' command, which is sent using assignment groups on the Assignments page or via the 'Apps' tab of the Device Details page for individual devices, functions the same way that the 'Smart Update' option described above does. If you wish to replace an enterprise app on a device with a new binary that has the same or lower version number (build number), you'll either need to select 'Force Update' when uploading the binary to the Catalog, or you will need to delete the existing binary from the device and install the new one.

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