Awaiting Enrollment Devices

Awaiting Enrollment Devices

This feature allows you to pre-configure devices prior to enrolling with SimpleMDM. Create device-specific accounts, set custom attributes, assign a device group, and assign a device name without waiting for the device to enroll.

An 'Awaiting Enrollment' device is an object in SimpleMDM that has not yet been paired with a physical device, but can be configured nonetheless. Once a physical device is enrolled and linked to the device, the physical device will receive the configuration as specified within SimpleMDM.

SimpleMDM currently supports the 'Awaiting Enrollment' feature for two types of device enrollments:

  1. Devices that have been discovered via Apple Business Manager (or Apple School Manager) using the Automated Enrollment feature. When SimpleMDM discovers a new serial number, it will create a corresponding "Awaiting Enrollment" device.
  2. Devices that enroll using the One-Time-Enrollment feature. When a one-time enrollment is created, a corresponding device object is also created.

Viewing 'Awaiting Enrollment' Devices

To view 'Awaiting Enrollment' devices:

  1. On the main Devices page, click the dropdown list and select 'Awaiting Enrollment', or
  2. Navigate to Enrollments, click your Automated Enrollment, under the 'DEP Devices' list, click the device link under the 'Linked Devices' column.

Once you click on a device, you will be able to configure the device as if it has already enrolled.

Once the device enrolls, it will receive the specified settings and will show up on the Devices list.

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