macOS Packages

SimpleMDM supports deploying macOS packages that meet the following requirements:

  1. The package is a distribution-style package
  2. The package has been signed using a valid Apple Developer ID

The following articles discuss these requirements in detail:

Adding macOS Packages

To add a macOS package to SimpleMDM, the PKG file must be uploaded. Complete the following steps to upload the binary file:

  1. Click "Apps" on the left hand side of the screen.
  2. Click the "Add App" button and select "macOS Package".
  3. Upload the Package file to SimpleMDM. Make sure to wait for the upload to complete before navigating away from the page.

Deploying Packages

macOS packages can be deployed using assignment groups on the Assignments page.

Updating Packages

The Apple MDM spec does not currently support a concept of a package update. If a package is deployed to a device that matches the bundle ID of a package that was already installed, MDM will attempt to install the new package on top of the existing one.

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