

SimpleMDM's logging facility retains data for multiple purposes. Each purpose has its own namespace to make it easier for you to focus on one aspect of SimpleMDM functionality at a time. The different namespaces and their purposes are detailed below.


The admin namespace acts as an audit log of activity in both the admin portal and the API. Using the admin namespace, you are able to see what actions have been performed, by whom, and at what time.

An action recorded in this namespace typically represents a change to the configuration of your account or an action to a device that has been requested by an admin. It does not typically mean that the action has been carried out on affected devices themselves, merely that the change has been requested.


The device namespace acts as a log of communication between SimpleMDM and your devices. Records in this namespace generally signify that a command has been sent and received by a device. A device may then provide a success or error response, both of which will be logged by SimpleMDM.


Logs often include additional contextual information, called metadata. This metadata may have references to related objects in SimpleMDM, feedback or error messages, and so forth.

The structure of the metadata is subject to change. Any custom programming that processes metadata should be written in such a manner to handle an unexpected structure gracefully.

Data Retention

The logging facility in SimpleMDM is intended as a short-lived source of information. Logs are stored for a duration of 30 days. If you are wishing to retain logs for a longer period of time, you may export them using the API.

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